Smash Burger Tacos

Embark on a taste adventure with our Smash Burger Tacos – a fusion of the bold flavors of classic smash burgers and the delightful convenience of tacos. This culinary spectacle combines juicy smashed patties, melty cheese, and a medley of toppings encased in a soft tortilla shell. Join us as we guide you through the steps to create this mouthwatering marvel that transcends the boundaries of traditional tacos and burgers.

Ingredients: For the Smash Burgers:

  • 1 pound ground beef (80% lean)
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 8 small flour tortillas

For the Special Sauce:

  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons ketchup
  • 1 tablespoon yellow mustard
  • 1 tablespoon sweet pickle relish
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Salt and black pepper to taste

For Toppings:

  • Shredded lettuce
  • Sliced tomatoes
  • Sliced red onions
  • Sliced pickles
  • Sliced American cheese


Step 1: Burger Brilliance – Crafting the Smash Patties Divide the ground beef into 8 equal portions. Preheat a cast-iron skillet or griddle over medium-high heat. Season each portion with salt and black pepper.

Place a portion on the hot surface and immediately press it down with a spatula to create a thin patty. Allow it to cook for 1-2 minutes, then flip and add a slice of American cheese. Cook for an additional 1-2 minutes until the cheese is melted and the patty is crispy on the edges.

Repeat the process for the remaining portions, creating succulent and flavorful smash burgers.

Step 2: Tortilla Transformation – Warming the Base Heat the flour tortillas in a dry skillet or on a griddle for about 20-30 seconds per side until they are pliable. Set aside.

Step 3: Sauce Symphony – Crafting the Special Sauce In a bowl, whisk together mayonnaise, ketchup, yellow mustard, sweet pickle relish, white vinegar, sugar, salt, and black pepper. This special sauce will add a zesty kick to your Smash Burger Tacos.

Step 4: Culinary Assemblage – Creating Taco Perfection Spread a generous spoonful of the special sauce on each tortilla. Place a smash patty with melted cheese on top. Layer with shredded lettuce, sliced tomatoes, red onions, pickles, and any additional toppings of your choice.

Cook Notes:

  • Experiment with different cheese varieties like cheddar or pepper jack for diverse flavor profiles.
  • Adjust the thickness of the smash patties based on your preference for a balance of crispy edges and juicy interiors.
  • Customize the special sauce by adding hot sauce or minced garlic for an extra flavor dimension.


  1. Bacon Bliss: Top your Smash Burger Tacos with crispy bacon strips for an indulgent twist.
  2. Guacamole Galore: Add a dollop of guacamole or sliced avocado for a creamy and fresh element.
  3. Pickle Power: Enhance the tanginess with additional pickles or by using flavored pickles like bread and butter pickles.

Keto Versions:

  • Replace flour tortillas with keto-friendly alternatives made from almond flour or coconut flour.
  • Substitute sugar with a keto-friendly sweetener in the special sauce.
  • Opt for lettuce wraps instead of tortillas for a low-carb option.

Low Carb Versions:

  • Choose low-carb tortillas or wraps to reduce carbohydrate content.
  • Replace sugar in the special sauce with a sugar substitute suitable for low-carb diets.
  • Skip or limit high-carb toppings like tomatoes and onions, focusing on low-carb alternatives like avocado or bell peppers.

As you sink your teeth into the tantalizing fusion of flavors in the Smash Burger Tacos, revel in the genius of combining two beloved classics into a culinary masterpiece. This dish is more than a meal; it’s a celebration of creativity, a testament to the endless possibilities that emerge when culinary worlds collide.

May this recipe become a star at your table, a conversation starter at gatherings, and a symbol of the joy found in culinary experimentation. Share the delight with friends and family, and witness how the Smash Burger Tacos become a memorable addition to your culinary repertoire. In every variation and adaptation, may the essence of flavor frenzy prevail, making these tacos a cherished classic in your kitchen adventures.