Butter Fried Potatoes: A Culinary Triumph of Crispy Elegance

Prepare to embark on a gastronomic adventure that celebrates the simplicity and decadence of a kitchen classic—the Butter Fried Potatoes. This recipe transforms the humble spud into a symphony of flavors and textures, offering a side dish that is both comforting and luxurious. Join us as we delve into the art of achieving that perfect balance between a crispy exterior and a tender interior, all enveloped in the rich embrace of golden butter. Discover the secrets to mastering this culinary triumph and elevating your potato game to a new level of indulgence.


For Butter Fried Potatoes:

  • 4 large russet potatoes, peeled and sliced into 1/4-inch rounds
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil (for added crispiness)

Optional Seasonings:

  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley (for garnish)


  1. Prepare Potatoes: Peel and slice the potatoes into even 1/4-inch rounds. Ensuring uniform thickness promotes consistent cooking.
  2. Preheat and Oil: In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Add olive oil to prevent the butter from burning.
  3. Sear the Potatoes: Carefully place potato slices in a single layer in the skillet. Allow them to cook undisturbed for 4-5 minutes or until the bottoms turn golden brown.
  4. Flip and Repeat: Flip each potato slice using a spatula, ensuring an even golden brown color on both sides. Cook for an additional 4-5 minutes.
  5. Season to Perfection: Season potatoes with salt and black pepper. Add optional seasonings like garlic powder, onion powder, or paprika for enhanced flavor.
  6. Crisp to Finish: Continue cooking, flipping occasionally, until the potatoes are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Adjust the heat as needed.
  7. Garnish and Serve: Once potatoes reach crispy perfection, remove from the skillet and place on a paper towel-lined plate to absorb any excess oil. Garnish with fresh parsley for a burst of color and flavor.

Cook Notes and Variations:

  • Parmesan Elegance: Grate Parmesan cheese over the potatoes during the last minutes of cooking for a cheesy finish.
  • Herb Infusion: Add a medley of fresh or dried herbs like thyme, rosemary, or chives for a fragrant twist.
  • Lemon Zest Zing: Elevate the flavor profile by sprinkling lemon zest over the potatoes just before serving.
  • Bacon Bliss: Crisp up some bacon separately and crumble it over the potatoes for a smoky, savory touch.

Keto Versions and Low-Carb Version:

Keto Version:

  • Cauliflower Substitute: Replace potatoes with sliced cauliflower for a keto-friendly alternative.
  • Ghee Instead of Butter: Use ghee (clarified butter) instead of regular butter for a keto-friendly option.
  • Nutritional Yeast Seasoning: Sprinkle nutritional yeast over the potatoes for a cheesy flavor without the carbs.

Low-Carb Version:

  • Radish Replacement: Substitute radishes for potatoes for a low-carb alternative that mimics the texture of fried potatoes.
  • Avocado Oil: Use avocado oil instead of olive oil for a healthier, low-carb fat source.
  • Celeriac Surprise: Try celeriac (celery root) as a low-carb alternative to potatoes for a unique twist.

As you savor the golden, butter-fried perfection of each potato slice, you’re indulging in a culinary experience that balances simplicity and decadence. Our Butter Fried Potatoes recipe invites you to celebrate the humble spud in a way that is both elegant and comforting. Whether you stick to the classic preparation or venture into keto and low-carb variations, this dish is a testament to the versatility of a pantry staple. So, heat up that skillet, let the butter sizzle, and immerse yourself in the delightful world of Butter Fried Potatoes—a symphony of crispy indulgence that transforms an ordinary side into a culinary masterpiece. Elevate your culinary repertoire with this irresistible combination of simplicity, elegance, and the irresistible allure of perfectly fried potatoes.