Burger with the Lot



Ladies and gentlemen, food enthusiasts and burger aficionados, prepare yourselves for a gastronomic adventure like no other. Behold, the legendary “Burger with the Lot,” a towering masterpiece that defies convention and embraces the audacious spirit of culinary exploration. This is not just a burger; this is a symphony of flavors, a carnival of textures, and a work of art that dares to push the boundaries of what a burger can be. Join me as we embark on a journey to assemble a burger that will forever be etched in the annals of food history.



  • The Bun: A hearty artisanal sesame seed bun, toasted to perfection, firm enough to cradle the succulent marvel within.
  • The Patty: A generous, juicy, hand-formed beef patty, seasoned with a secret blend of spices that tickle the taste buds.
  • The Cheese: A decadent slice of sharp cheddar, oozing over the patty, creating a savory bridge between the meat and the other wonders to come.
  • The Bacon: Crispy, smoky, and tantalizing. Two slices of maple-glazed bacon, a testament to the divine union of sweet and savory.
  • The Greens: A fresh, vibrant bed of lettuce, crisp and inviting, providing a refreshing contrast to the robust flavors.
  • The Tomato: A thick, juicy slice of vine-ripened tomato, bursting with summer’s essence, adding brightness to every bite.
  • The Onion: Tender, caramelized onion rings, each one a golden halo of flavor, adding a touch of sweetness and depth.
  • The Pickles: Delightfully tangy, briny pickles, delivering a satisfying crunch and a zing that dances on the palate.
  • The Sauce: A symphony of condiments—mayonnaise, tangy ketchup, a hint of smoky barbecue sauce, and a whisper of hot sauce—united in a harmonious blend that elevates every layer.
  • The Egg: A fried egg with a perfectly runny yolk, the golden crown that brings a luxurious, velvety touch to our masterpiece.


Step by Step

  1. The Bun’s Embrace: Lay the toasted bun halves on a clean surface, creating the foundation for our epic creation.
  2. Patty Perfection: Gently place the sizzling beef patty on the lower bun, let it rest like a majestic centerpiece.
  3. The Cheese Meld: Carefully lay that slice of cheddar atop the patty, watch it melt, and get ready for a creamy transformation.
  4. Bacon Bliss: Let the crispy bacon join the ensemble, overlapping slightly, creating a woven tapestry of delight.
  5. Layered Love: Add the fresh lettuce, the succulent tomato, and the enticing onion rings, each layer adding complexity and texture.
  6. Pickles Parade: Place the pickles like guardians of flavor, providing that tangy crunch we all crave.
  7. Sauce Sensation: Generously spread our special sauce mixture on the upper bun, setting the stage for the final touch.
  8. Eggstasy: Carefully add the fried egg atop the pickles, letting the runny yolk become the ultimate sauce.
  9. The Crown: Close the masterpiece with the top bun, gently pressing down, creating a glorious burger monument.



There you have it, a burger that defies convention, a burger that elevates the ordinary to the extraordinary. Each bite is a symphony of flavors, a dance of textures, and an adventure for your taste buds. The “Burger with the Lot” is not just a meal; it’s an experience, a testament to the creativity and passion that can be infused into the simplest of dishes. As you take that first bite, savor the medley of ingredients, and let the flavors envelop you, remember this moment, for you have just experienced a culinary marvel that will leave a lasting impression. Cheers to the bold, the imaginative, and the unapologetically extravagant!