Broccoli & Cheese Soup Slow Cooker

Savoring Simplicity: Slow Cooker Broccoli and Cheese Soup Extravaganza

Dive into the heartwarming embrace of comfort food with our Slow Cooker Broccoli and Cheese Soup. This recipe is a testament to the beauty of simplicity, where wholesome ingredients come together in a slow cooker to create a bowl of velvety goodness. In this extensive guide, we will unravel the secrets behind crafting the perfect Broccoli and Cheese Soup, explore carefully selected ingredients, provide detailed step-by-step instructions, share essential cook notes, present creative variations, and offer keto and low-carb adaptations. Get ready to elevate your soup game with a cozy, flavorful experience that will warm your soul.


For the Soup:

  • 4 cups fresh broccoli florets
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 3 cups low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
  • 2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 1 1/2 cups half-and-half
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • Salt and black pepper to taste


1. Prep the Vegetables:

  • Chop the broccoli into small florets and shred the carrots. Finely chop the onion and mince the garlic.

2. Slow Cooker Assembly:

  • Place the broccoli, carrots, and onions in the slow cooker.
  • In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and cook until fragrant.
  • Stir in the flour to create a roux. Gradually whisk in the chicken or vegetable broth until smooth.
  • Pour the roux mixture into the slow cooker over the vegetables.

3. Slow Cooker Magic:

  • Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours or until the vegetables are tender.
  • About 30 minutes before serving, stir in the half-and-half, whole milk, Dijon mustard, and nutmeg.
  • Gently stir in the shredded cheddar cheese until melted. Season with salt and black pepper to taste.

4. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Ladle the warm soup into bowls and garnish with additional shredded cheddar if desired. Serve with crusty bread or crackers.

Cook Notes

Broccoli Texture Tip:

  • For a chunkier soup, add some extra broccoli florets in the last hour of cooking.

Cheese Melting Magic:

  • Shred the cheese just before adding it to the slow cooker for optimal melting.

Nutmeg Subtlety:

  • Nutmeg adds a subtle warmth to the soup; start with a small amount and adjust according to your taste preferences.

Creaminess Adjustments:

  • Adjust the thickness of the soup by adding more milk if it’s too thick or simmering longer if it’s too thin.


1. Bacon Bliss:

  • Add crispy bacon bits as a topping for a smoky flavor and crunchy texture.

2. Spice Infusion:

  • Kick up the heat by adding a pinch of cayenne pepper or a dash of hot sauce.

3. Loaded Potato Twist:

  • Incorporate diced potatoes for a Broccoli, Cheese, and Potato Soup fusion.

4. Herb Garden Symphony:

  • Enhance the flavor profile with fresh herbs like thyme or rosemary.

Keto and Low-Carb Versions

Keto Broccoli and Cheese Soup:

Cauliflower Power:

  • Replace the flour with almond flour for a keto-friendly roux.

Heavy Cream Elegance:

  • Use heavy cream instead of half-and-half for a higher fat content.

Xanthan Gum Magic:

  • For additional thickening without carbs, incorporate xanthan gum in place of flour.

Low-Carb Broccoli and Cheese Soup:

Veggie Variety:

  • Increase the quantity of broccoli and carrots while reducing the amount of onion for a lower-carb ratio.

Unsweetened Almond Milk:

  • Substitute whole milk with unsweetened almond milk for a lower-carb alternative.

Sharp Cheese Boldness:

  • Opt for an extra sharp cheddar to intensify the cheese flavor without additional carbs.


As we conclude our exploration of the Slow Cooker Broccoli and Cheese Soup, envision the joy of serving a bowl that captures the essence of comfort in every spoonful. This recipe isn’t just about soup; it’s an invitation to experience the warmth and simplicity of a classic comfort dish.

Whether you stick to the classic recipe, experiment with creative variations, or adapt it to keto and low-carb preferences, the Slow Cooker Broccoli and Cheese Soup is a celebration of coziness. Share it on chilly evenings, enjoy it as a hearty lunch, or savor it as a soul-soothing dinner.

So, embrace the warmth, gather your ingredients, and savor the magic of a soup that embodies comfort—a Slow Cooker Broccoli and Cheese Soup experience that invites you to relish the simple joy of homemade goodness!